Downtown bakery

Mon - Fri
Sat - Sun


Uptown bakery

Mon - Fri
Sat - Sun



About Meg

I am a Kentucky native living in Columbus, OH with my husband and 3 little girls. My love for the arts began at a young age, shaping me into the eccentric extrovert I am today. Painting for me is to express what words cannot, inspiration streaming from our great creator and the wonders of this world. Emily Dickenson says that poetry is "truth slant" - That's how I like to think about my art. Telling the truth in a way that I can only do through this medium.

C.S. Lewis, Julia Cameron, and Makoto Fujimura are just a few beautiful minds I look up to. They showed me that souls need some beauty to feed on, so why not create? My advice to a new artist is to stay true to your purpose, and not let consumer culture tell you art doesn’t matter. 

I am incredibly excited to say that I am currently an artist in residence through Fuller Seminary's Brehm Residence program exploring the intersection between art and faith.

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